Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Md. Governor Visits PGCC to Launch Work Force Initiative

By Adelaja Obajimi

Maryland Govenor Martin O’Malley visited the Center for Advanced Technology on March 2 to launch Skills2Compete Maryland, a statewide program to boost college success and strengthen Maryland’s long-term work force. O’Malley talked about how the program will enhance the lives of current students, who will be able to earn a better living for themselves and their families.

“In this economy, we must do everything we can to build the middle-skill and high-skill work force that is so critical to economic recovery and long-term economic success,” he said. “Economic recovery takes more than just attracting business and creating jobs, it also means equipping those businesses and filling those jobs with a world-class Maryland work force.”

At a packed press conference, O’Malley tapped Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown to lead the new work force initiative. Brown said Skills2Compete is “part of our overall effort to create jobs, protect jobs and to assist Marylanders.” Brown is a former member of the PGCC Board of Directors. The briefing was also attended by presidents of other local community colleges. PGCC President Dr. Charlene Dukes introduced her fellow presidents and referred to them as her colleagues.

The goal of the Skills2Compete Maryland program is to increase the skills of Maryland’s work force by 20 percent by the year 2012. According to the Maryland Association of Community Colleges, jobs suited for holders of associate's degrees make up half of the state’s labor market. The program will focus state agencies, community colleges, local Workforce Investment Boards, apprenticeship programs and other stakeholders on preparing more Marylanders for middle-skill jobs.

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